Working agreement between Client and Counsellor

Remote Appointments (Telephone or Video Call)

Young People aged 12 to 16

This information is valid from the 23rd April 2024. It is periodically reviewed for accuracy. Changes will be highlighted at the top of the document.

Please note, this agreement has been changed to become an addendum to the face-to-face Working Agreement.

Please consider this working agreement an addition to your previously signed working agreement with counselling@unit12.

Remote Counselling

You might have used a computer or mobile device to work remotely before or it might be completely new to you. Remote counselling has helped many people but it is also different from face-to-face counselling because it can be easier for you and your counsellor to misunderstand each other. This is because technology cannot always bring across our tone of voice, facial expressions or body language.

For this reason, it is very important for both you and your counsellor to know that it is OK to ask for explanation if you are unsure of what was said or meant.

You can choose between two different kinds of Remote Appointment; telephone appointments and Video call appointments. Choosing which is better for you is something only you can do as you know whether you feel more comfortable using the phone or a video call.

Regular sessions

Telephone appointments: If you choose to have your appointments over the telephone, your counsellor will call you at the time of your appointment on the telephone number your parent/carer gave use. If you need to change this number, please ask your parent/carer to email or let your counsellor know.

If your counsellor cannot reach you, they will try to call you again a couple of times. If they still cannot reach you, they will send a text message to you, if the number we have is for a mobile phone. If the counsellor still cannot get hold of you, we will contact you to make a new appointment.

Your parent/carer will need to read the information about missed appointments later in this agreement.

Before your telephone appointment, please think about the best place for you to be while you are on the telephone. If possible, try to choose somewhere you feel comfortable and where you will not be disturbed or overheard.

Video call appointments: If you chose to have remote counselling over Video call, your counsellor will send you a Zoom link before your appointment

Zoom is a secure and encrypted service and is free for you to use and download; which you can do from
You can watch a video on how to join a Zoom session here:

The link will be sent via email, which will include a Meeting ID and password. You will be able to join the meeting either by clicking on the link or by typing the Meeting ID and password into the Zoom app. When you join the meeting, you will enter a virtual waiting room, and your counsellor will then let you into the appointment. This adds a layer of security as only your counsellor can admit you to the appointment.

As with telephone appointments, please think about the best place for you to be during the session. If possible, try to choose somewhere you feel comfortable and where you will not be disturbed or overheard.

Please make sure that you or your parent/carer have installed Zoom on your device before the session starts, with your video and microphone switched on. It is helpful if your device is on a table or other surface where it is not moving about a lot. It should be set up so that your face can be seen easily.
Sound quality can be improved by using headphones with an attached microphone, but these do not have to be used.

Interruptions caused by problems with the Wi-Fi: While it does not happen often, connections can sometimes be interrupted and sometimes the call can even be disconnected. To help stop this as much as possible please make sure you are in a place with a strong signal for your phone or that your Wi-Fi signal is strong and stable.

It is also a good idea to close any apps you do not need during the call. This means your device can focus its power on the call. We also suggest that, if you can, you only use a private Wi-Fi connection and not a public hotspot. We would also suggest that you disable your device’s Bluetooth connection while you are in the counselling session.

If the call is disconnected and does not fix itself within a couple of minutes, your counsellor will contact you or your parent/carer to work out how best to carry on.

What you agree to do

You agree to make sure that your device is charged enough, that you are in a place with a signal strength and that, for Video call appointments, the Zoom app is installed and you are ready to enter the meeting using the link provided by your counsellor.

You also agree to wear the same kind of clothes during a Video call appointment that you would wear if you were meeting with your counsellor face-to-face in a counselling room.


If your counselling session cannot take place because of problems with the call connection or devices, your parent/carer might not have to pay. If your counsellor agrees that the session does not need to be paid for, if your parent/carer has already paid, the money will be used for the next session instead.

To accept the terms of this Working Agreement, the parent/carer of the client will need to complete the online form you can access by clicking on the following button.